The Real December
I wrote my last month's post and titled it for December, but it was actually for bad yo.
December was fun and Christmas was great! Katie and I did so many Christmas-y things.
Here are things I learned in December:
How Focused is Your Ministry Strategy? (Christian Surfers Conference)
And, for fun, here is the best movie I've ever made, freshly uploaded to the internet:
December was fun and Christmas was great! Katie and I did so many Christmas-y things.
Here are things I learned in December:
How Focused is Your Ministry Strategy? (Christian Surfers Conference)
- Mission: make disciples who can make disciples (the Great Commission)
- Have a laser focus on this
- Motive: love God and love people (the Great Commandment)
- Model: Jesus - Luke 6:40
- Means: Holy Spirit Power (an acronym from last month's post)
- Method: 4 challenges of Jesus
- Come and See (John 1): for seekers - just show up!
- Jesus used scriptures to explain why He was the Messiah
- Follow Me: for believers - Jesus invested in a few.
- New believers just need love.
- Follow Me, I'll make you fishers of me: Train a few to reach the masses
- Jesus took his disciples on 6 mission trips
- These people need to experience God working through them
- This is where the church fails a lot in disciple-making -- need to depend on the Holy Spirit to get out of the second stage
- Go and bear much fruit: just as He was sent, He sends us.
- Making disciples
- Romans 8 - a father to his family (prays, protects, speaks [prophet], priest)
- We don't need more leaders, we need more disciple-makers!
- Win, build, equip, multiply :: Seeker, new believer, worker, friend
- 1 John 2:6 - Walk as Jesus walked
- Dead people can't find life, we need to go to them.
- Character
- Conduct
- Converts
- 1 to 2: sin
- 2 to 3: stuff (difference between "fruit" and "more fruit")
- God prunes "so you can bear more fruit," not because He is mad
- We get pruned right before the harvest
- Often good things get pruned to make way for the best things (in a vineyard, the gardener usually prunes 30-40% of the grapes so the remaining ones will be better -- a few good ones instead of a bunch of mediocre ones)
- #1 killer of fruitful disciple-makers is bitterness from pruning
- 3 to 4: satisfaction
- Pray fervently
- Plan dilligently
- hope is not a plan
- a dream without a plan is a never-ending nightmare
- Act courageously
- the root of the word "courage" is "heart"
- Making a Plan:
- Think it through
- Decide what you want
- Set a deadline
- goal without a deadline is like a pipe dream
- Anticipate problems
- Count the cost
- Be read and ask God!
- Understanding the facts
- your resources
- difficulties you face
- Plan
- Everyone (the team) needs to be involved
- Sometimes the highest calling is the lowest task
- Don't ask God to tell you what to do, but rather wisdom to discern what to do.
- Do not be afraid
- Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome
- Fight for your brothers, daughters, wives, sons and homes (a clear mission)
- Community support
And, for fun, here is the best movie I've ever made, freshly uploaded to the internet:
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