The Soul of Skateboarding
I've been watching this movie that came out a few years ago called We Are Skateboarders, in which the filmmakers go around asking skaters, "What is the soul of skateboarding?" It's a pretty unique movie...part documentary, part skate film, part ridiculous skits. But as I've been going through it, I can't help but ask myself the same question: "What is the soul of skateboarding?" I would say the answer to that question is different for everyone. For me personally, I landed on the word progression . A big part of skateboarding is progression, and the great thing about it is that progression is tangible. If I put enough hours and effort into a trick, eventually I will land it. And the feeling of landing it, the very real and physical evidence of achievement, is amazing. It's kind of like have a good job, marriage, GPA, etc., you must put in work to reap the reward. (Skateboarding just happens to fall on the more fun side of thi...